Our expertise in decoding consumer preferences is only the first step. We must then translate that feedback into understandable and tangible drivers to guide Flavorists and Product Developers. At Firmenich, we maintain expert trained sensory panels in all of our key creative centers. Many of these panels are external, dedicated panelists. Still others are part of our VIP Program, where we employee visually-impaired individuals as taste panelists, whose heightened dedication and attention to detail bring many additional benefits to our data as well as the community around us.
Firmenich Aromasphere® is our highly acclaimed global flavor language, with a lexicon of over 160 chemical references descriptors and over 700 tonality descriptors. AromaSphere® has become a model for the food and flavor industry and ensures that as we work together to create the best food and beverage products we are speaking the same language. Aromasphere allows us to translate the language of your developers and of our taste experts so that our teams can collaborate faster and better to create winning products.