Innovators in nutrition, health and beauty. Read more about our new company at or continue here to read more on the incredible solutions and services that we offer.
Innovators in nutrition, health and beauty. Read more about our new company at or continue here to read more on the incredible solutions and services that we offer.
dsm-firmenich, innovators in nutrition, health and beauty, has opened a new pilot plant in Plainsboro, New Jersey designed to enable collaboration with customers. The pilot facility is part of dsm-firmenich's Taste, Texture & Health Business Unit and will support the company's commitment to accelerate global diet transformation – by providing food & beverage brands with the capabilities to create enjoyable eating and drinking experiences that are healthier for people and more sustainable for the planet.
The facility offers a full range of capabilities and equipment to help customers move from development on the benchtop to small scale-up production in the pilot plant that will inform and accelerate final large-scale production. The pilot plant is focused on scaling up beverage production and will support applications such as juices, ready-to-drink coffee and tea, sports drinks, carbonated soft drinks, sparkling water, energy drinks, as well as dairy & plant-based products like milks, creamers and protein shakes.
The pilot plant was designed to enable strong collaboration within the dsm-firmenich and customer teams during benchtop development as well as to incorporate consumer feedback into the overall development process. The new pilot lab is strategically adjacent to both the dsm-firmencich development labs as well as to the consumer sensory lab and focus group room which enables the voice of the consumer to be brought into the process throughout development. In addition, the area is designed with a conference room with a direct view of the pilot facility which maximizes collaboration with customers.
Maurizio Clementi, Executive Vice President Taste for Taste, Texture & Health: “This new facility will help us deliver on our ambition to bring progress to life by enabling our customers to make even more innovative foods and beverages that are delicious, nutritious, and sustainable. Our fully equipped pilot plant is a powerful next step in our vision for our Taste, Texture & Health North American headquarters, allowing us to partner even more impactfully with customers to create the next generation of consumer food and beverage experiences that are good for people and the planet. Our state-of-the-art facility will be a vibrant place where passion and expertise meet.”
Chris Perkins, Senior Vice President Taste, Texture & Health North America: “With this new pilot plant, we offer our valued customers and partners a comprehensive set of capabilities and the latest cutting-edge equipment, all carefully designed to foster collaboration, improve consumer insights, and accelerate time-to-market. We have built a solid infrastructure in Plainsboro propelled by an incredibly talented team with a strong innovation network. It’s truly an inspiring place to work, together with our customers, partners, knowledge institutes and talents.”
dsm-firmenich welcomes both established industry leaders and progressive startups. We see our pilot facility as a center of creativity and collaboration, where the future of taste, texture and health in food and beverages comes to life.
dsm-firmenich, innovators in nutrition, health, and beauty, announces Peach+ as the 12th annual “Flavor of the Year” for 2024.
Peach+ was inspired by PANTONE® 13-1023 Peach Fuzz, the 2024 Color of the Year from PANTONE®, the global color authority and provider of professional color language standards and digital solutions for the design community. The selections were based on emerging signals in the cultural and consumer landscape where trends in kindness, community, goodness, and comfort have all been identified as having increasing relevancy. For more than 20 years, both companies have observed many of the same trend sources, drawing inspiration from a wide variety of influences, including culinary, fashion, hair and beauty, packaging and multimedia design, home decor and interior design, architecture, art, and the cultural zeitgeist.
Peach+ is an invitation to dsm-firmenich customers to innovate with this beloved flavor, to go beyond the traditional juicy sweet aspects to also consider softer, smoother, lighter, more refreshing, textural elements.
“Now in its 12th year, the announcement of the Flavor of the Year is an eagerly anticipated event,” said Maurizio Clementi, EVP for Taste, Taste, Texture & Health at dsm-firmenich. “The delicate and natural qualities of Peach+ call for diverse applications across multiple food and beverage industries, and we are excited to see the innovations of our clients upon receiving this news.”
Empowering Customers with Insights into Trends
The peach is one of the oldest cultivated fruits in the world, with a 4,000-year-old history that began in China and continues to this day. China is the world leader in peach production and exportation, with over 400 varietals under cultivation.
“Our research reveals that peach has many multifaceted meanings,” said Jeffrey Richard Schmoyer, VP of Human Insights for Taste, Texture & Health at dsm-firmenich. “And peach is incredibly emotional. While the peach has a long history, it also has an innovative future.” According to Emotions 360™, a proprietary dsm-firmenich consumer study that measures consumer emotions associated with ingredients, the peach is somewhat unique in that it has many innate qualities that contrast, such as being both indulgent and pampering, but also refreshing and revitalizing, and youthful, but nostalgic.
Peach has been an evergreen fruit flavor in many categories for decades with a steady share of presence in innovations in most regions. Today, peach is growing in popularity in some regions and categories both as the primary tonality and in combination with others. The most prevalent areas of growth for peach new product development are carbonated soft drinks, nectars, candies, ready-to-drink teas, teas, flavored alcoholic drinks, yogurt and fruit preparations, dairy drinks, juices containing peach, and fruit preserves. Other areas showing promise for growth are functional drinks and powdered soft drinks, as well as more savory opportunities for peach including side dishes, noodles, processed cheeses, and protein analogs. Peach in combination also spiked in favor of passion fruit plus peach, mango plus peach, peach plus tea, and apricot plus peach.
“Flavor of the Year showcases emerging trends in flavor through proactive sensory experiences and creations, and completes its mission year after year, which is to empower our customers to be leaders in global trends,” says Mikel Cirkus, Global Creative Director for Taste, Texture & Health at dsm-firmenich. The company identifies countless possibilities to put the Plus in Peach for 2024, and confidently envisions how customers can lead with these emerging trends to ultimately create products with high impact and superior business relevancy.
帝斯曼-芬美意很高兴确认帝斯曼和芬美意成功合并,新公司由此成立。该公司是营养、健康和美容领域最大的创新和创造团体之一。凭借近 30,000 人的强大团队和建立在一个多世纪先端科学基础上强大的技术能力,帝斯曼-芬美意将成为重塑、制造和组合重要营养素、香精和香氛的开拓者。
帝斯曼-芬美意的联席首席执行官 Geraldine Matchett 和 Dimitri de Vreeze 评论道: “今天对我们所有人来说都是一个新的开始。我们是两家伟大公司一个多世纪以来突破性科学的结晶。 帝斯曼-芬美意现在在别具一格,脱颖而出,在不以地球为代价的情况下,在人们个人需求和集体需求之间的交叉点上发挥独特的作用。毕竟,必需品如果不具吸引力,影响就十分有限,而且如果它不可持续,这种影响就不是积极的。而人们不想要或不需要的可持续品用处不大。我们是真正的全球化公司,建立在经过验证的世界一流科学的基础上,拥有全面的营养、香精和香氛组合。作为营养、健康和美容领域的创新者,我们很高兴作为一支向善的力量共同踏上这段旅程。”
Perfumery & Beauty以消费者为中心,创造切实有益的卓越香氛。我们使用优质、大型的天然、合成和生物技术原材料库,创造出气味出众并让人身心愉悦的香氛。
Taste, Texture & Health 帮助客户创造美味、营养、价格合理且可持续的食品和饮料产品。为消费者提供美味和营养,为客户带来商业成功,让人类和地球更加健康。
Health, Nutrition & Care通过在人们的饮食中添加关键营养素,来照料他们的健康。它推动医疗创新向前发展,加快康复速度,提高生活质量。
Animal Nutrition & Health 高效且可持续地生产健康的动物蛋白,利用数据的力量使畜牧业更具可持续性、生产力和透明度。
为纪念新公司的成立,帝斯曼-芬美意推出了一个新品牌,体现了将两家标志性公司平等合并的精神。品牌反映了公司的宗旨和价值观,是共同身份的表现。该品牌象征着公司的使命,即结合生活所需、消费者所想以及环境的可持续发展。 帝斯曼-芬美意的宗旨是为生活带来进步,与客户和合作伙伴一起,实现积极的改变,为世界做出积极贡献。
帝斯曼-芬美意的联席首席执行官 Geraldine Matchett 和 Dimitri de Vreeze 补充说:“我们通过利用两家公司的优势创造出一个全新的身份,来传承帝斯曼和芬美意的传统。就像帝斯曼-芬美意一样,它很生动,充满了活力,并以我们的宗旨为主导。对于我们的员工、客户和合作伙伴来说,这是一个激动人心的新时代的开始,因为我们将超越自我,为所有人塑造积极的未来,并为生活带来进步。”
合并成功完成后,Geraldine Matchett 决定现在是在别处进一步发展自己职业生涯的合适时机,在与董事会达成一致后,她将承载着董事会的感激之情,从 9 月 1 日起卸任。 Dimitri de Vreeze 将担任帝斯曼-芬美意的首席执行官。
由于合并交易完成,芬美意董事已辞去芬美意董事会职务。Jane Sinclair、Geraldine Matchett 和 Dimitiri de Vreeze 已被任命为芬美意董事会成员。
该信息于 2023 年 5 月 9 日欧洲中部标准时间 02:55 通过下列联系人提交发布。如需了解更多信息,请访问 DSM-Firmenich |。