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Firmenich Charitable Foundation​


Since then, the Foundation’s scope has expanded to include support for people with cancer, for hunger relief, to improve nutrition, enable sustainable agriculture and environmental projects, as well as support local communities worldwide.





Case Studies




In partnership with the NGO Fert and Authentic Products, a joint project to support the development of a youth professional farming school called “Mahadera” was launched in 2019. In FY22, more than 85 local students were already taking part in this three-year curriculum (27 in the third year, 34 in the second year and 26 in the first year).​

Furthermore, Authentic also engaged with Firmenich on strengthening transparency on farmers’ practices and respect for human rights, using the Path2Farm TM traceability tool.​



In 2014, we entered a joint venture with Jasmine Concrete, the largest manufacturer of floral extract in India, to tackle certification challenges on their jasmine grandiflorum supply chain.

Our partnership has enabled this supply chain to reach the Ethical Sourcing level of UEBT verification. Implementing UEBT’s standard allowed us to contribute to a keynote improvement in human rights.​



Monk fruit is a natural, plant-based sweetener, and thus key ingredient for our sugar reduction ambition. Major progress has been achieved in FY22 in advancing transparency and compliance in this fruit’s complex supply chain thanks to our end-to-end digital traceability tool, Path2Farm™. It is designed to improve transparency, as well as human rights and environment protection in the supply chain. In FY22, 1,587 farmers have been interviewed in five cooperatives.​

Caring about People

We care for every person touched in any way by our business, from farmers to consumers. Caring about people starts by ensuring their fundamental human rights.​
